thank goodness you're here! the boys are planning to have lunch at the strawberry farm, but they can't find jungkook!
will you help them find koo?

hmph you didn't find koo and he missed lunch with his hyungs.
he's not very happy with you :c

thank you so much!
who do you want to ask for clues first?
joon or jin?

you find joon packing for the lunch and you ask if he's seen koo.

he says no, he was busy in the studio and just got home :c

strawberry captain jinnie here!
he says he saw the other members already head out to the farm!

you walk down the strawberry farm and you spot yoongi picking strawberries.

he says he'll tell you where he saw koo if you do something for him.

ah thank you so much! now the boys have plenty to eat.

he says he heard jungkook talking about "feeding the baby", so he assumed he went to the market to get something to snack on.

when you reach the market , you spot jimin shopping and ask if he's seen jungkook.

he says he'll tell you if you help him decide which to buy.

yay! jiminie loves strawberry milk! plus it matches his hair.

he tells you he saw jungkook make a purchase and head down to the petting zoo.

on your way to the petting zoo you spot hobi playing with the animals. what do you do?

thank you for playing with hobi + the animals! he had so much fun.

he also tells you he saw kook pulling a wagon towards the flower garden.

on your way to the garden, you pass taehyung taking pictures of the flowers. what do you do?

thank you for the picture! tae absolutely adores it c:

he says he saw jungkook and his wagon head back up to the berry farm.

annoyed and tired, you head back to the strawberry bushes. you still don't spot jungkook anywhere.
koo, where are you?

huh? jungkook pops out from behind the bushes with strawberries in hand. you run over to scold him, when you see what sits by his feet.

a wagon full on bunnies! jungkook had went around to get the bunnies to feed them strawberries!

thank you so much for finding jungkook! his hyungs were so thankful that they invited you to lunch.

and everyone becomes best friends c: